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Shrouds 2021

The triptych of drawings was made for an ongoing performance project DESENSITISE, investigating a therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation and reprocessing) used to treat PTSD by stimulating alternate sides of the body through movement. The three wearable shrouds exaggerate three different directions of the mind/body and it’s neurological and chemical processes. Eyes are guided by the arrows in the drawings back and forth mirroring the movements that EDMR patients would make during their sessions. Patients often leave their physical bodies, moving in the fabric of mind through the process of remembering, yet it is the physical movement that stimulates recovery. The Shrouds cover the body whilst opening anatomical sections. This hiding and revealing in the drawings alludes back to examples of Italian art that deal with revelation, not just in biblical stories but in its use of mandorlas, curtains and veils.  

Shrouds: Moving Left, Moving Left & Right, Moving Right
Costume/drawing, soft pastel and pencil on reflective fabric 2021


Shroud: Moving Left & Right (Worn), 2021 


Shroud: Moving Left (Worn), 2021 


Shrouds: Moving Left & Right / Moving Left
Worn under artificial light, 2021 


Moving Left and Right (Detail).jpg

Shrouds: Moving Left & Right Detail, 2022

Shrouds: Moving Right Detail, 2022

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